Combining a rare blend of energy and wisdom, Donald Cooper fills the room with concepts, insights and dozens of 'do-able' ideas that will help you change your business and your life.

Donald Cooper has helped thousands of companies throughout the world to add more value to their customers’ lives…and more dollars to their bottom line!  He earned an undergraduate business degree and an MBA from the University of Western Ontario . . . followed by 18 years at Cooper Canada, the family business.  Cooper Canada became the world's leading manufacturer of hockey equipment and Canada's largest maker of both sporting goods and fine leather goods.

In 1981, Donald made a strategic decision to do something less corporate and purchased a chain of four small exercise and casual wear stores, expanding to 13 stores just as the market was maturing and declining... thus proving, once again, that an MBA isn't everything!   

The mall locations were sold off leaving a small warehouse in which a bold new retail vision was born.  Sales the first day were just $15… but soon, thousands of women were driving up to three hours to enjoy the unique and compelling shopping experience.  In just 3 years, Donald won 7 Awards of Excellence for marketing and service innovation, including the Retail Council of Canada's Innovative Retailer of the Year.   

Keynotes Titles:

  • Human Marketing...How to Increase Market Share & Profitability in the Face of Ever-Stronger Competition! 

  • The 8 Essential Steps to Finding, Leading & Keeping the Best Staff!

  •  The 90-minute MBA…7 things you absolutely must know about your business, your customers and your life!


“Your presentation was the highest rated at our 3-day conference.  After the first 5 minutes, I knew we had a winner on our hands.  Your presentation style was absolutely dynamic; your content exceptional, your material was personalized to our company and your message was truly motivational.  I look forward to working with you again next year.”

Shoppers Drug Mart 


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