
We offer engaging 1-hour seminars focused on essential topics such as stress management, work-life balance, and preventing burnout.

Delivered by dynamic and experienced presenters, our sessions provide actionable insights and practical strategies to help participants thrive both personally and professionally.

Each seminar is designed to be interactive and impactful, ensuring attendees leave feeling empowered and equipped to make positive changes. With a commitment to fostering well-being and resilience, our programs are perfect for organizations looking to support their teams' mental health and productivity.

Our national network of over two hundred facilitators stretches coast-to-coast, and we can easily fill requests for on-site training needs in all major Canadian cities including Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Calgary, Quebec City and Halifax, in English and French languages.

Seminar Topics


1.           Dealing Positively with Change

2.          Take This Stress and Love It!

3.          Living By Design: Creating Work/Life Balance

4.          Recharging Your Batteries: Managing Burnout

5.          Making Every Moment Count: Principles of Time Management

6.          Creating Your Future in Advance: Setting and Achieving Your Goals

7.          Keeping a Positive Mental Attitude

8.          Fight Fire with Water: Conflict Resolution at Home and Work

9.          Create the Body You Want: Basics of Diet and Exercise

10.      How to Combat Virtual Fatigue

11.      COVID-19: Returning to the Office  

12.      Counting Sheep: How to Ensure Quality Sleep Each Night

13.      Managing Cellphone Addiction

14.      Mindfulness

15.      Leadership 101

16.      Building a High-Quality Team

17.      Fostering Trust in Relationships

18.      Preparing for a Successful Retirement

19.      Managing Holiday Stress

20.      Working Well with Other Generations

21.      How to Provide Effective Coaching & Feedback

22.      Public Speaking & Presentation Skills

23.      Raising Successful Teenagers

24.      Understanding D.I.S.C. Personality Styles

25.      Improve Your Decisions with Critical Thinking

26.      Motivating Your Team for Success

27.      Introduction to Financial Management Principles



Dealing Positively with Change


It has been said that the one constant in life is change.  When change brings about opportunity, promotion, and prosperity, it can be a very positive experience.  But for many people, these uncertain times have brought frustration and anxiety instead.

Despite the tremendous stresses and challenges that our changing circumstances have brought, you can find opportunity when you face setbacks.  You can find the “silver lining” in every challenge.  It all begins with YOU.


·       why people react differently in “stressful” situations

·       the power of perception

·       the secret to managing your frustration and anxiety

·       the four quadrants of change

·       understanding your change “personality style”

·       strategies to take control of your life

·       … and more!


Take This Stress and Love It!

In our fast-paced world, it seems like the one constant for people is that they are always under pressure! From tension at home to deadlines at work, fighting stress can feel like a never-ending battle. In this acclaimed, informative and often funny seminar, participants will learn strategies to help them inject more fun into their day, let off some steam, and have a more rewarding life experience!


·       To define stress and identify our personal hot-buttons

·       The purpose of the “fight-or-flight” response

·       The secret of managing your stress by controlling your thoughts

·       The three key strategies to relax your physiology

·       … and more!



Living by Design: Creating Work/Life Balance


Winning in business can’t be done at the expense of our health.  Winning in relationships can’t be at the expense of our finances.  If we give all of our time and energy to everyone else, what remains so that we may recharge our own batteries?  It seems that if we neglect any one area in our lives, we invite disaster in every area.  But with so much to do and so little time, is it possible to find any room in our schedule to catch our breath?

This seminar will challenge you to outline your priorities, honestly assess where improvement can be made, and help you explore insights and strategies to permanently bring balance to your life!


·       To define what is “missing” from their life

·       To recognize the cost of neglecting our deepest priorities

·       Their subjective recipe for balance

·       To joyously create goals that will take our lives to the next level

·       … and more!



Recharging Your Batteries: Managing Burnout

Far too often, employees feel like they have nothing left in their proverbial gas tank. From work stress to slogging through traffic to navigating family challenges, many people feel chronically drained from the pressures of the day. Burnout is a serious issue that plagues people from all professional disciplines, and left unaddressed can have a tremendous impact on an employee’s wellbeing.

This seminar will provide staff with the understanding and tools they need to mitigate burnout, increase their energy and enjoy overall enhanced engagement and satisfaction in their life.


·       What burnout is and how to recognize it

·       The impact of burnout on their mind and body

·       Specific strategies to reduce stress in their day

·       Tools to enhance their physical energy

·       Steps to create daily habits that can be implemented amidst busy schedules

·       … and more!



Making Every Moment Count: Principles of Time Management

It seems like there is always more to do in the day than we have hours available. Rushing from one meeting to the next, juggling family events, while struggling to squeeze in “me time” in the calendar can sometimes feel like a losing battle. And yet, some people seem to have cracked the code for creating maximum productivity while still making time for balance.


In this powerful seminar, staff will gain transformative insights into how the principles and tactics they use to manage time can actually free them from a dizzying schedule and accomplish more work with time to spare.



·       The Eisenhower Matrix

·       How the top performers start their day

·       How to drastically reduce wasted time in their day

·       The hidden secret to productivity

·       How to effectively manage the deluge of emails and interruptions 

·       …and more!



Creating Your Future in Advance: Setting and Achieving Your Goals

Why do some people struggle with losing weight, creating financial security, and attracting quality relationships?  Every New Year brings about a renewed vigor to set and achieve goals.  Many people with the best of intentions decide that “this is the year” to transform their body, mind, career, finance, and relationships.  And yet, by February, most people have lost focus, faced setbacks and disappointment, and sometimes given up already.  But it doesn’t have to be this way!

This seminar will outline a clear roadmap to create compelling goals and reinforce them with tactics that will help carry participants past the typical distractions and obstacles in order to accomplish what they focus on.



·       Why people need to set goals, and why they don’t

·       A 5-step approach to ensuring your goals have staying power

·       Auditing your understanding of the S.M.A.R.T. methodology

·       Creating goals for every area of your personal and professional life

·       Tactics to help you stay committed, motivated, and focused

·       … and more!



Keeping a Positive Mental Attitude

Sometimes, when the challenges life offers us seem out of our control, managing our attitude is the last line of defense… and still the most powerful! One of the greatest discoveries of life is that we have the power to control our attitude in any given situation! This seminar will reveal strategies that, if applied, can dramatically transform the quality of your relationships, your enjoyment at work, and your passion for life!


·       The difference between being realistic versus positive

·       the secret power of questions to direct your thoughts

·       to see situations in a different light through reframing

·       how to re-write your internal self-talk to find the good in each situation

·       … and more!



Fight Fire with Water: Conflict Resolution at Home and Work

We’ve all had a conversation like this: despite our best efforts to remain calm and diplomatic, to shape our message and suit the other person’s personality, and stay on message, it felt like every word we spoke simply made the situation worse. 

These strategies outlined in this seminar have helped support business teams on the brink of communication disaster, helping them nurture trust and respect in their ongoing dialogue.  You and your team will learn principles and strategies that will dramatically enhance all of your communication efforts!


·       The common mistakes smart people make when communicating

·       The 5 conflict resolutions “personality styles”

·       Understanding when to fight, fold or run away

·       Structuring your conversation to enhance empathy and connection

·       The value of creativity in negotiation

·       … and more!



Create the Body You Want: Basics of Diet and Exercise

Most everyone understands that nutrition and fitness would benefit their life, and yet struggle to follow through on these goals.  So many people start a diet and exercise plan with the best of intentions, believing that “this time will be different.”  However, far too often they get pulled off track by life’s distractions and temptations, and face discouragement with yet another setback.  It doesn’t have to be this way. 

This seminar will provide a positive nudge to help participants take action on their health and fitness goals while offering specific steps on how to stay on track.


·       What their individual “trip point” is in previous diet and exercise plans

·       How to overcome the common “time” excuse towards exercise

·       How to take immediate action to clean up their diet

·       The difference between simple and complex carbohydrates

·       How H.I.I.T. is the secret to burning fat, all day long

·       How to motivate themselves when they don’t want to follow their plan

·       How to get in a great workout with zero equipment at home

·       … and more!



How to Combat Virtual Fatigue

The pandemic saw many knowledge workers and students connecting through virtual meetings.  Family members quickly shifted the holiday gathering to staying in touch through their webcam.  While this offered the benefit of physical safety, and allowed many people to continue working and earning without interruption, virtual meetings became so commonplace that the benefits were quickly overshadowed by the side-effects participants experienced.

In this informative seminar, participants will understand the communication miscues that are present in the virtual world, recognize how reduced mobility saps our energy, and learn how to offset the impact of too much screen time during and after work hours.


·       How virtual meetings drain us mentally and physically

·       How cognitive load is increased online

·       A template to decide if the meeting should be virtual, voice, or email

·       How to offset fatigue using the 20/20/20 technique

·       Quick recharge steps between meetings

·       … and more!



COVID-19: Returning to the Office After the Pandemic

As the world begins to reopen, it should be no surprise to organizational leaders that many staff are reluctant to return to the office.  After two years of settling into a pattern of childcare, home schooling, avoiding the drudgery and cost of commuting and enjoying the comfort of working from home, the “great return” can be an upsetting change for many.

In this seminar, staff and leaders will have an opportunity to candidly examine the real stress that such a significant change can create, empathize with staff who might be feeling anxiety and overwhelm, and take positive steps to support staff with their physical safety and mental and emotional well-being as we take steps to work toward the “new normal” of a post-COVID work experience.


·       To see both the benefits and challenges that working from home created

·       The pros and cons of working at the office

·       How to manage the stress of a significant personal change

·       Setting boundaries while working from home

·       Creating new rituals to create a positive return experience

·       The benefit of a “stay” interview in enhancing your career

·       To seek appropriate support when struggling mentally or emotionally

·       … and more!



Counting Sheep: Getting Quality Sleep

Countless people struggle through their workday, hampered by decreased focus and energy because of a poor night’s sleep.  Whether the culprit is insomnia, a noisy neighbor or a newborn baby wanting a 3am feeding, sleep deprivation takes a terrible toll on our ability to perform to the highest standards.

In this informative and enlightening seminar, participants will have a deeper understanding of the mental and physical benefit of sleep, and specific steps they can take to ensure proper rest each and every night.


·       The critical importance of sleep and the cost of missing it

·       What the circadian rhythm or “body clock” is and how it regulates our energy

·       Common mistakes people make that impact sleep quality

·       Key steps to ensure regular deep sleep

·       How to create a sleep-friendly environment

·       How cellphones are the enemy of a good night’s sleep

·       How to create an “unwinding ritual”

·       The power of a consistent sleep schedule

·       … and more!



Managing Cellphone Addiction

Any addiction can be devastating, but in the last 15 years, society has created an entirely new category: cellphone addiction.  Cellphones offer incalculable positive benefit in our lives, but the instant access to technology and social media is a double-edged sword to our wellbeing.  With education and insight, this seminar will help staff to learn to keep all of the benefits of this technology while reducing the adverse effects it can bring.


·       The cognitive impact of excessive cellphone use

·       How to spot an addiction

·       To recognize that cellphones and social media can often do more harm than good

·       How “comparison” through social media can be so damaging, especially for teenagers

·       Steps to set boundaries in cellphone use

·       Positive activities to enjoy instead of staring at our screens

·       … and more!




In our distracted age of beeps and buzzes, it can be difficult to keep our attention trained on one task amidst all the noise and distraction.  Focus is a sought-after quality at home and work, and it can often feel elusive.  Because of this, mindfulness has exploded in popularity and awareness as more people learn of its benefits.  With time-honored techniques, participants will begin to explore what mindfulness is, how it can aid them at home and work, and how they can improve their ability in this valuable area.


·       What mindfulness really is

·       Common myths about mindfulness

·       Its impact on focus, attention and emotional intelligence

·       How to create moments of mindfulness throughout the day

·       Ways to deliberately pay attention without judgment

·       … and more!



Leadership 101

Every organization rises and falls of the ability of its leaders.  Leaders might be born, but more often they are made.  Too often, people are promoted into positions of responsibility because of their expertise but never coached on this critical new skill: how to lead their team.  In this powerful session, your staff will be coached on how to elevate their game and move up from being a team-member to becoming an exceptional leader.


·       What exceptional leadership looks like

·       The levels of leadership and identifying your own abilities

·       To how avoid the common traps that leaders fall into

·       Skills to help your team clarify their goals, coach for results, and foster trust

·       … and more!



Building a High-Quality Team

There is great truth in the statement “culture eats strategy for breakfast.”  The performance of staff will be diminished in a culture of blame, selfishness and argument.  However, good employees can become great when the leader fosters a culture of accountability, collaboration and unity.  Understanding how to create this winning culture, and help each team member to play their part, will elevate your team to becoming and exceptional group who work well together.



·       What makes a great team

·       Identifying the strengths of team members and celebrating them

·       The power of rallying around a common goal

·       The corrosive impact of gossip and conflict avoidance

·       How to foster unity and collaboration between team members

·       … and more!



Fostering Trust in Relationships

All relationships, whether at home or work, are built on a foundation of respect, understanding and trust.  When trust is low to begin with, or has been violated, it can slow progress and diminish results.  People start looking for hidden agendas, doubting each other’s statements, and stop sharing information.  These behaviours can have a damaging effect on the relationship and, in the office, on the organization.  This seminar will teach you how to enhance or repair trust in relationships so you can live and work well together.


·       The importance of trust

·       Identifying behaviours that diminish trust

·       Clarifying your own trust recipe

·       Assessing where we may have broken trust with others, and how to make amends

·       … and more!



Preparing for a Successful Retirement

Retirement!  It can be one of the most fulfilling and enjoyable times of one’s life.  For many people, the “golden years” are something they have long fantasized about.  However, the reality of one’s retirement experience may not live up to the fantasy.  While people spend years considering the financial requirements of retirement, they may invest as much preparation in the physical, mental and emotional experience.  This seminar will help people begin to think through major aspects of retirement they might have overlooked and help prepare them for an amazing retirement.


·       The phases of retirement, both leading up to and during

·       The psychological impact of no longer working in our career

·       How to manage our time to feel fulfilled

·       Ensuring we care for our bodies so we can enjoy life

·       Basic tips on preparing your financial house

·       … and more!



Managing Holiday Stress

The holidays!  They can be a time of joy – celebrating traditions, connecting with loved ones, and creating fond memories.  Sadly, they can also be a source of tremendous stress and negative emotions.  The holidays can magnify all the stressors we typically face through the year: attending multiple get-togethers, hosting dinner events, extra shopping expenses, a sprawling “to-do” list… and interacting with people we might have a tense relationship with.  On top of that, the wintertime can be particularly challenging for those facing Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).


·       Tips on managing stressors in scheduling, relationships, and finances

·       How to prioritize the events and traditions that are most meaningful to them

·       How to set boundaries for self-care

·       Steps to address Seasonal Affective Disorder

·       … and more!



Working Well with Other Generations

Generations are often differentiated by several factors other than calendar dates – world events, changes in societal norms, advances in technology, and changes in the workforce can affect how a person molds their professional persona.  When people from different generations work closely together, the differences between them might be highlighted and lead to unnecessary misunderstandings and tension.  This seminar aims to explore each generation, looking at the forces that shaped it, in order to help people work alongside effectively.


·       What separates the different generations

·       The strengths of each generation, and their areas of opportunity

·       The value of diversity on a team

·       To seek out and celebrate the strengths of their colleagues

·       … and more!



How to Provide Effective Coaching & Feedback

 As a leader, you wear many hats.  You have to ensure your team produces results, as well as ensuring you meet all of you own deliverables.  In the middle of this, you must also carve out time to conduct regular one-on-ones and provide timely feedback.  For some leaders, this is looked at as a chore that takes time from your already overwhelming schedule.  But the best leaders look at coaching and feedback as a powerful opportunity to retain your top performers, develop talent amongst your team, and help each one of them grow as an important contributor.


·       The purpose of coaching and feedback

·       Powerful criteria for a successful one-on-one

·       How to provide tough feedback that is still affirming

·       How to look for hidden talents in staff and discuss their career plans

·       … and more!



Public Speaking & Presentation Skills

It’s finally time to stand up and deliver that PowerPoint presentation to the leadership team, and you feel yourself getting nervous, stammering and forgetting your key points.  Or, you’re a leader that wants to develop the confidence of a team member when they share information.  Or, you have a role that does not typically require presentations, but now you need to make a case for the leadership team to adopt your idea, and you’ve been given 10 minutes on the agenda to make your case.  Whatever the reason, having the ability to speak with confidence and clarity in front of any size audience is a powerful skill for everyone to employ.  TEDx speaker CJ Calvert has delivered thousands of presentations to corporate audiences ranging in size from 10 to 10,000.  In this powerful training seminar, he will share how to immediately improve your presentation skills and deliver your message.


·       The ingredients of an effective presentation

·       Shaping your message for power and clarity

·       How to command the room with confidence

·       Tips on keeping your audience engaged

·       … and more!



Raising Successful Teenagers

Being a parent at any stage can be challenging.  But the teen years add a whole new level of complexity!  With their bodies and minds changing so quickly, new challenges emerge.  The adoring toddler of yesteryear may seem to have been replaced with a grumpy and messy houseguest who visits the fridge more than their family.  Parents, don’t lose hope!  This is one of the most important times in your child’s life, and you have the ability to maintain a strong and healthy relationship while helping them navigate new experiences.


·       The critical role of a parent in a teenager’s life

·       Reminder of what they are going through physically, mentally, and socially

·       Learning to look for and celebrate their strengths

·       How to help them navigate new peer pressures around sex, drugs, and alcohol

·       Helping them prepare for adulthood

·       … and more!




Understanding D.I.S.C. Personality Styles

Have you noticed how some people are more outgoing, and some are more reserved?  Or, that some people are more task-oriented, and some are more people-oriented?  It’s no surprise that we work alongside certain personalities more effectively than others.  The differences in our personality styles can be a big part of that.  In this eye-opening and entertaining seminar, you will learn what the different D.I.S.C. personality styles are, their strengths and areas of opportunity, and how to live and work more effectively with the people around you. 


·       The differences between the D, I, S, and C personalities

·       The strengths and areas of opportunity in each personality

·       How to discern the personality style of others and of ourselves

·       How to motivate people with various personality styles

·       … and more!



Improve Your Decisions with Critical Thinking

Have you ever found yourself thinking, “I wish this staff member would have thought about the impact of their actions before making them?” Or how about, “I wish my leaders were more strategic!” When every competitor is working hard, the way to level up your game is to ensure you are also working smart.  But how do we ensure that we are thinking clearly about a problem, let alone our whole team?  In this thought-provoking and insightful presentation, you and your staff will begin to analyze how you collect information, what you choose to accept or discard, and how you come to conclusions.  As you better understand these patterns, you will be better equipped to make well-informed decisions that can dramatically improve your business results.


·       What critical thinking is and how we apply it at work

·       Evaluating sources of information

·       Identifying types of cognitive bias

·       How to avoid common decision-making errors

·       Tools for analyzing data and forming conclusions

·       … and more!



Motivating Your Team for Success

The art of motivation is a critical tool in every leader’s toolbox.  Maybe you face a huge deadline and everyone needs to play at 110%.  Or perhaps you sense that the team’s energy is waning and people are very disengaged.  Your boss might be urging you to push your team harder, doing more with less, and giving you no budget for incentives.  How can you possibly motivate your team when you don’t have any extra money?  In this transformative seminar, you will learn powerful strategies to increase engagement, retention and performance in your staff in order to help them deliver the best results while enjoying the journey.


·       Why people are willing to go the extra mile for some leaders

·       The sources of motivation

·       Why listening is the leaders best-kept secret for inspiring their team

·       How connecting people to their values and talents is the winning formula

·       The highest ROI action anyone can use to motivate others

·       … and more!



Introduction to Financial Management Principles

Money seems to be a topic charged with emotion.  For some it is exciting!  For many, it can be a source of frustration, anxiety, or stress.  Regardless of what career a person chooses, money is a topic as universal as health and relationships, and plays a major part in our individual life experience of life.  Ironically, many adults have a basic idea of what they should do to improve their financial situation, but they many not be following their own advice.  In this back-to-basics session, you will be reconnected to the basic habits that will help you know will strengthen your financial situation.


·       How to identify and address the barriers to their current financial situation

·       The timeless principles of managing money

·       How to more efficiently pay off debt

·       How to quickly build an emergency fund

·       What habits might be holding them back, and how to break them

·       How to develop a long-term plan for their future security

·       … and more!