Elaine Allison
Do you want a funny, entertaining, educational speaker who uses real-life applications wrapped around sound theories? CSP, Elaine Allison, CSP, is an international speaker and author of The Velvet Hammer: PowHERful Leadership Lessons for Women Who Don’t Golf. She has enthralled audiences from coast to coast in both the United States and Canada with her lively presentations and affable style. Elaine began honing her insights into the differences between how we work with each other. She was one of Canada’s first female prison guards in an all “male” maximum security correctional facility at the age of nineteen before moving on to different senior corporate roles including; managing over 1400 flight attendants. Elaine had a “crash course” in understanding how we interact, communicate and lead people, as her life virtually depended on it!
Watch for her upcoming book The Velvet Hammer Negotiates a Raise and Everything Else She Wants in Life. Her main mission is to help leaders - "Be the One They Stay For" and Get People Engaged. Elaine has been seen on ABC World News, Global TV, CBC, SHAW TV and featured in the Houston Chronicle, The Milwaukee Journal, The New York Albany Times, Globe & Mail and every large city paper across Canada as well as over 100 radio shows.
Keynotes Titles:
Velvet Hammer: PowHERful Leadership Lessons for Women Who Don’t Golf
Be The Leader They Stay For
"Can-Do" Working With Multi-Generations
"Elaine Allison is a tremendously engaging and riveting speaker. She takes what often can be emotionally charged and complex concepts and breaks them down into readily understandable elements. By using acronyms and graphics, among other techniques, she presents useful information that is reinforced through personal anecdotes. Overall, Ms. Allison is a Grade A speaker who presents with enthusiasm, passion, intellect, humor and poise."
- Ben Petrone Associate Director of Publicity Penguin and Viking Presse