Beverly Beuermann-King
Beverly is the designer and professional speaker for the Work Smart Live Smart™ workshops. She has been a stress and wellness speaker at provincial association conferences, a featured guest on television and radio shows such as Breakfast Television and CFRB, quoted as a stress-expert in publications from the Toronto Star to Chatelaine, and a featured wellness columnist for She is a member of the International Stress Management Association, a Certified Speaking Professional and Past-President for the Toronto chapter of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers and is the only stress and wellness specialist and speaker that has also been an education consultant to the Canadian Mental Health Association.
Beverly has trained and educated more than 30,000 business leaders, employees, social service workers, and volunteers during the past 15 years. Beverly is a contributing author to the international perspective book called, Awakening The Workplace™. She is the author of many published stress and wellness articles, a corporate wellness e-newsletter and a 7-book series on stress management for the Canadian Mental Health Association called Stress Sense™. Along with the related Stress Sense™ workshops, she has developed workshops and written books on Understanding Mental Illness and Suicide Awareness for their Making Mental Health Matter™ series which is used across Canada.
Keynotes Titles:
S-O-S: From Surviving To Thriving With Stress
From Job Stress To Job Smart - Working Smart In Today's Stressful Workplace
Stop Letting That Person Ruin Your Day - Strategies To Effectively Handle Negative Attitudes And Difficult People
OAYEC Announces that Beverly is rated as one of their Top 10 Presenters over the past 20 years!
• 'Every convention should start this way' - Calgary City Teachers Convention, Harnessing Energy
• 'Excellent, emphasized the need to take time to prioritize the important things in life and the need to be more selective and aware of the 'choices' I make.' - Ontario Society of Nutrition Managers, Joy, Success...